Write a Letter to Your Future Self at This Seoul Cafe

When you walk into the cafe called “A Space Filled With You,” you are greeted by a wall of envelopes from floor to ceiling. They’ve all been freshly sealed with wax and are waiting to be mailed out to the people who wrote them and left them on the shelf for safe keeping.

This cafe is a place to write yourself a letter, leave it in a slot with your desired date, and the cafe will mail it to you then! I decided to have mine sent to me in 6 months time, when I hope we can see a world with a lot more positive changes.

They have normal drinks that you can buy, and then “Letter Set” is only 3,000won. If you want to put a wax seal on the letter, it is 1,000won extra. For that, you get 2 postcards of your choice and an envelope.

After writing my letter, I was directed to the sealing station and made my first wax seal! You use 3 little cubes of wax, melt it over the candle, and pour :) The stamp says the name of the cafe, a space filled with you.

Overall, it was a really sweet experience and they do mail internationally, but you might have to pay a bit more.

Here’s the info!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thespacefilledwithyou/

Haebangchon (near Itaewon) - 서울 용산구 신흥로15길 18-12
Open everyday 12pm-8pm

Suwon - 경기 수원시 팔달구 정조로886번길 14 1층과 지하층
Closed Mondays, 12pm - 8pm

Ansan - 경기 안산시 단원구 선부광장북로 36 벽산블루밍아파트 상가동 230호
Closed Mondays, 1pm-8pm