Disposable Camera Vending Machines All Over Korea!
My favorite film lab in Seoul (more information on them here!) has started a new project all over Korea: disposable camera vending machines! There are currently 4 machines hidden in front of bookstores all across the country filled with cameras and film, yours for the taking!
The best thing about Filmlog is that they actually refurbish all their disposable cameras. So while you might be thinking that these cameras are really wasteful - think again! Filmlog takes the time to add new film and put them back together rather than tossing the plastic body.
Try to find them all!
Located in front of the Film Log studio next to Dongdaemun Culture Park station :)
Address: 서울특별시 중구 쌍림동 22-16 or Junggu Ssangrim-dong 22-16
photo by @filmlog_official
Jeju Island
Located in front of Musa Books on the eastern part of the island.
Address: 제주도 서귀포시 성산읍 수산리 657-1 or Seogwiposi Seongsanri 657-1
photo by @domi_community
Located in from of Domi, a book store near Daeruengwon (the main burial ground area)
Address: http://naver.me/GkQiewmR or Gyeongju-si Nodong-dong 17-2
photo by @filmlog_official
Located at Simda Books near Suncheon Station on Jangdae Park.
Address: 전라남도 순천시 조곡동 151-38 or Suncheon-si Jogok-dong 151-38